A Lost In Space Reboot In The Works

liscastThe folks behind Godzilla (2014) and Dracula Untold have signed a deal with Kevin Burns to attempt a reboot of Lost In Space. Kevin Burns has confirmed this on his Facebook page. The writers of Dracula Untold will pen the new project. There has been a mixed reaction by fans, with some excited about the prospect to present the show to a new generation and fix some of the “problems” they think the original had, and others upset that the reboot won’t do justice to the original and will be too dysfunctional like the disappointing 1998 film and the unsold 2004 pilot.

Seeing as Dracula Untold is getting horrible reviews, I’m not sure these writers are the ones to handle a Lost In Space reboot. I remain wary. Rarely do reboots or remakes capture the charm and feel of the original. Lost In Space is a product of its time and personally, I think it’s a mistake to modernize it. I will probably give the first episode a chance, out of curiosity, but they had best get it right or I, and many other fans, won’t stick around to see if our intrepid pioneers ever make it home.

Archive of American Television Interviews With Bill Mumy

billmumy_olderWe’ve just posted the full five hours of interviews that Bill Mumy did with the Archive of American Television in September of 2013. He discusses his early career on shows like The Twilight Zone, what it was like to work with the late, great Jonathan Harris, his role as Lennier on Babylon 5, and his musical career and his group Barnes & Barnes.

Every Lost In Space fan will want to watch these interviews.

Lost In Space Remastered For the 50th Anniversary?!

Word comes from the Lost In Space Yahoo Groups that Sheila Allen has financed the cost of remastering the show in HD over the last two years. All that remains to get this great show on dvd for its 50th anniversary is to convince Fox to produce the dvds. Kevin Burns and Space Productions would like your input on aspect ratio, DVD vs. Blu-Ray, bonus features (cast commentary, the Lost in Space Forever Special, etc.), and anything else you can think of, so be sure to leave some comments on the Lost In Space HD YouTube video.

You can view a sample of the restored footage below.

The First Lost In Space Minimates Due To Arrive at San Diego Comic-Con!

LostinSpaceMinimatesDiamond Select Toys has a new line of Minimates based on Lost In Space. The first minimates, Dr. Smith and the Robot, will arrive as a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive. Each figure is 2 inches tall and has interchangeable parts and accessories. Dr. Smith comes with multiple heads to show off his myriad of interesting expressions (we always knew he was two-faced). Read more here. You can also pre-order at Entertainment Earth.

Archive of American Television Interview With Jonathan Harris

jhinterviewsOn June 14, 2001, Jeff Abraham interviewed Jonathan Harris for the Archive of American Television. The interview is in five parts and covers Jonathan’s childhood and early family life in New York, his attempts to break into theater, his most famous television roles in The Third Man and Lost In Space, and his voice work near the end of his life. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview. Jonathan is a masterful storyteller and he gives a very candid look at his life and career. View the Jonathan Harris interview.

New Lost In Space Fan Fiction: Fortunate

Here’s another Lost In Space fan fiction story, Fortunate. It’s no secret I enjoy certain aspects of the first season Smith. He started off as the flight surgeon for the Jupiter program, performing physicals and tests on the crew and clearing them for flight. Remember, he resuscitated Major West and tended to Mrs. Robinson in “Reluctant Stowaway”? By the end of the series, he was considered little more than a quack with an honorary title. So, I LOVE this short story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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