Lost In Space: The Art of Juan Ortiz

Lost In Space: The Art of Juan Ortiz is now available for pre-order! This book contains all the retro-styled posters for all 84 of the classic Lost In Space episodes. The artwork may look familiar, as Juan Ortiz has also created posters for the original Star Trek series as well. This art book comes in hardcover and is available August 7, 2018, but you can pre-order now.

Want some idea of what’s in it? Check out our post about the character posters also included in this collection.

Pre-order Now!

B-9 Robot Tin Windup Toys Available For Pre-Order

I just happened upon some new Lost In Space products due to be released in April of 2018. They are tin windup toys of the B-9 Robot. I believe these may reproductions of earlier toys. The B-9 tin windup toys come in both a silver and a blue version. The B-9 Robot Tin Windup Toy features a sparking feature in the chest and lower dome and a strong walking mechanism. Robot stands 9-inches tall and features translucent blue top dome and metal antennas. Excellent craftsmanship and detailing in all aspects of this robot, including tin radar dish inside his dome, plus his arms are expandable and bendable and give this robot great character and expression! Wonderful classic artwork of robot walking through galactic space storm on his planet created by Justin Volpe.


Retro Lost In Space Posters By Juan Ortiz

You may have seen the retro Star Trek episode posters by artist Juan Ortiz. Well, he’s back at it with Lost In Space this time! Not only are there posters for episodes, but posters for the characters too! There are posters currently available on eBay and Amazon. Check them out!


Jonathan Harris Is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Jonathan Harris Is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Billy Mumy is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Billy Mumy is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Guy Williams Is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Guy Williams Is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
June Lockhart Is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
June Lockhart Is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Angela Cartwright is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Angela Cartwright is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Marta Kristen Is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Marta Kristen Is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Mark Goddard is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Mark Goddard is Lost In Space by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Oasis by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Oasis by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Colonists by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Colonists by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Lost Civilization by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Lost Civilization by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Challenge by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Challenge by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Forever by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Forever by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Dots by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Dots by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Monster by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Monster by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Aliens by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Aliens by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Raft by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Raft by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Derelict by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Derelict by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Princess of Earth by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Princess of Earth by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Time Merchant by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Time Merchant by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The AntiMatter Man by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The AntiMatter Man by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Target Earth by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Target Earth by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Space Beauty by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Space Beauty by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Flaming Planet by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Flaming Planet by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Promised Planet by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space The Promised Planet by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Hunters Moon by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Hunters Moon by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Collision of the Planets by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Lost In Space Collision of the Planets by Juan Ortiz Art Print Poster 12x18
Amazon price updated: March 23, 2025 12:51 pm

Lost In Space Gift Guide

There have been a lot of great new Lost In Space models, books, and other merchandise released lately. Christmas is coming soon. So, I have compiled a Lost In Space Gift Guide for those of you shopping for Lost In Space fans or for fans who are wondering what to put on their Christmas list this year. We already have many of these items ourselves. Without further ado, here are my picks for the Lost In Space Gift Guide.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B011QLB4B0″ locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”lostinspace-20″ cart=”n” cloak=”n” localize=”y”]image[/easyazon_link] [easyazon_link identifier=”B011QLB4B0″ locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”lostinspace-20″ cart=”n” cloak=”n” localize=”y”]The Lost In Space Complete Series Blu-ray[/easyazon_link]. This is a must have for any Lost In Space fan. It’s jam packed with extras like The Epilogue (Bill Mumy’s script to give the show a proper ending), episode commentary, home movies, and more. Not to mention, the amazing crystal clarity of the HD transfers. If you love the show or know someone who does, this is the ultimate gift, which is why it tops my Lost In Space Gift Guide.
[easyazon_link identifier=”1944068236″ locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”lostinspace-20″ cart=”n” cloak=”n” localize=”y”]lostandfoundinspace[/easyazon_link] [easyazon_link identifier=”1944068236″ locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”lostinspace-20″ cart=”n” cloak=”n” localize=”y”]Lost (and Found) In Space[/easyazon_link]. This book was written and compiled by Bill Mumy and Angela Cartwright. It features rare and behind the scenes photos and stories about their life on the show and their beloved cast mates. Not every LIS fan has the opportunity to meet the cast and this is quite possibly the next best thing!
Lost In Space Lost Adventures Lost In Space: The Lost Adventures Vol. 1. Along with the first two items on the list, I own this (and all the comics issues) as well. It’s a hardback version of the new comics, graphic novel style. It includes extras as well, as you can read in my review.
B-9 Robot Golden Boy Edition Diamond Select B-9 Electronic Sounds/Golden Boy/Anti-Matter Electronic Sounds Robot. I’ve listed this as one item, but it’s really 3. Diamond Select has put out three variations of our beloved B-9 Robot. One is the original with several of his famous phrases. There’s “Golden Boy” from the “Cave of the Wizards” episode. And one is the Anti-Matter Robot from “The Anti-Matter Man”. Golden Boy and Anti-Matter Robot both feature phrases from their respective episodes.
Lost in Space John Robinson with Jetpack 1:6 Action Figure John Robinson Action Figure With Jet Pack. This is one of the most realistic looking Lost In Space action figures ever made. It looks just like Guy Williams. He’s wearing a first season uniform with parka and comes with a Jet Pack, laser pistol, and other accessories.
Lost in Space Verda the Android 1:6 Scale Action Figure Verda Action Figure. Everyone’s favorite female android is back. Well, B-9 might not be all that fond of her. She took his pointer, after all. This incredible likeness of Verda, played by Dee Hartford, comes with a human head and hands as well as several other accessories.
Lost in Space Derelict and Jupiter 2 1:350 Scale Model Kit The Derelict Model.This model of the Derelict comes with not just one, but three, Jupiter 2. The model can be built with bay doors open or closed. Judge Iko and his bubble creature buddies not included.
lost-in-space-marc-cushman Irwin Allen’s Lost In Space: The Authorized Biography of a Classic Sci-Fi Series, Volume One by Marc Cushman. This book is a comprehensive look at the first season episodes, behind the scenes with tons of trivia, interviews from cast and crew, and more. For avid fans that love Lost In Space trivia, this is a must have!
Three Years Lost In Space Three Years Lost In Space by Mark Goddard. Behind the scenes stories and thoughts on the episodes from Major West himself. Oh, and Mark Goddard weighs in too. 🙂 This is a fun read, especially the fictional thoughts from Major West about the events in each episode.
b9vinimate Robot Vinimate. Rounding out our top ten in the Lost In Space Gift Guide is another Robot. What can I say, he’s popular. The Robot Vinimate is a little vinyl figure of our beloved B-9, perfect for displaying on a desk, mantle, or anywhere.

I hope you enjoyed my Lost In Space Gift Guide and that you find something for yourself or the Lost In Space fan in your life.

Lost In Space The Lost Adventures Volume One

Irwin Allen Lost In Space HC Vol. 01 Lost AdventuresThe first few Lost In Space The Lost Adventures comic books comprising the Curious Galactics storyline have been compiled into a hardback volume.

In addition to the three issue comic, volume one also includes Carey Wilbur’s original script pages (along with handwritten notes), technical specifications of the Robot and Jupiter 2, the various covers for the 3 issues, and concept art.

It’s great having the entire storyline bound in a hardback format. I’m hoping they’ll do the same with the Malice In Wonderspace storyline and since this is Volume One, it’s a distinct possibility.

If you haven’t already gotten the comics, but want to, get this hardback version instead because of all the extras you get! Check out the photos I took of my own copy below.

The Lost In Space Lost Adventures Volume One is available for purchase at Things From Another World.


Lost In Space The Lost Adventures sam_0823 sam_0824 sam_0825 sam_0826



Lost In Space Comic #6 Available For Pre-Order

The Lost In Space comic adventures come to an end in the 6th and final volume, concluding the Malice In Wonderspace storyline.

Sentenced to have their heads chopped off, Will, Penny, Doctor Smith, and the Robot either have to find a way out of the Queen of Hearts’ dungeon or a way out of the dimension all together – and the key to the latter might be a few words contained in a silly rhyme. But will it get them out in time?

Like all the previous comics so far, this comes with two covers, one illustrated and one photo. Lost In Space Vol. 6 will be out in October.

Click to Order

Click to Order

Lost In Space B-9 Vinimate From Diamond Select

The Lost In Space B-9 Vinimate, a small PVC figure of our favorite Robot, is in the works from Diamond Select. The four inch high figure features the Robot in classic arm flailing, alarmed pose. You can just hear him saying “Danger! Danger!” Dr. Smith, of course, would chime in “We’re doomed! Doomed!” The B-9 Robot Vinimate is available for pre-order at Things From Another World. Orders should ship in late October.

Lost In Space Comic #4 Available For Pre-order

The fourth issue of the new Lost In Space comic is now available for pre-order. Like the first three issues, there is an “A” cover and a “B” cover, “A” being an illustrated cover and “B” being a photo cover. From the covers, it looks like this issue will be based on the infamous “Malice in Wonderspace” script. Pre-Order by clicking on the photos below. They should ship by the end of August.

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