The Lost In Space comic adventures continue in the 5th volume, the second in the Malice In Wonderspace storyline. Like all the previous comics so far, this comes with two covers, one illustrated and one photo. Lost In Space Vol. 5 will be out in September.
lost in space comic
Lost In Space Comic #4 Available For Pre-order
The fourth issue of the new Lost In Space comic is now available for pre-order. Like the first three issues, there is an “A” cover and a “B” cover, “A” being an illustrated cover and “B” being a photo cover. From the covers, it looks like this issue will be based on the infamous “Malice in Wonderspace” script. Pre-Order by clicking on the photos below. They should ship by the end of August.
Lost In Space Comic #1 Available For Pre-Order
The first issue of Lost In Space’s 4th season-based comic series (by American Gothic Press/Famous Monsters of Filmland) is now available for pre-order! The issue has two covers, one with character art, the other a photo.